Pedometer Free

Pedometer Free: ♦ Indicator of average and current speed.

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1desde: 0,00 € hasta: 0,00 €

SKU B008MM9964
  • Entrega Rápida
    Entrega Rápida
  • Pago Seguro
    Pago Seguro

♦ Indicator of average and current speed.

♦ Possibility of calculating the traveled distance.

♦ Possibility of calculating with high precision the average and total number of burned calories.

♦ Precise calculation of the number of steps made.

♦ The results are kept in memory.

♦ Summing up the history of the results.

♦ Possibility of setting up the individual parameters: height, weight.

♦ Adjustment of sensitivity.

♦ Setting up the efficiency graphic according to the distance traveled, number of steps and number of calories.

♦ Possibility to add songs to the Playlist and to listen to music while jogging.

Detalles de Producto Detalles de Producto

2012-08-12T07:34:46.000Z B008MM99 B008MM9964
Marca Zuzu corporation
Fabricante Zuzu corporation
Grupo Producto Mobile applications
Relacionado App
Fecha Lanzamiento
ASIN B008MM9964

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