Freenove Ultimate Starter Kit for Raspberry 5 4 3 400 Zero 2

Freenove Ultimate Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 5 4 B 3 B+ 400 Zero 2 W, 962-Page Detailed Tutorial, Python C Java Scratch Processing Code, 223 Items, 128 Projects (Raspberry Pi Not Included): 5 Sets of Codes: Python (compatible with 2&3), C, Java, Scratch and Processing (Scratch and Processing codes provide graphical interfaces)

49.95 €

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SKU B06W54L7B5
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5 Sets of Codes: Python (compatible with 2&3), C, Java, Scratch and Processing (Scratch and Processing codes provide graphical interfaces)

962-Page Detailed Tutorial in Total: Provides step-by-step guide with basic electronics and components knowledge (The download link can be found on the product box) (No paper tutorial)

128 Projects from Simple to Complex: Each project has schematics, wiring diagrams, complete code and detailed explanations

223 Items in Total: Includes commonly used electronic components, modules, sensors, wires and other compatible items

Compatible Models: Raspberry Pi 5 / 400 / 4B / 3B+ / 3B / 3A+ / 2B / 1B+ / 1A+ / Zero 2 W / Zero W / Zero (NOT included in this kit)

Detalles de Producto Detalles de Producto

B06W54L7 B06W54L7B5
Marca Freenove
Fabricante Freenove
Grupo Producto Electronica
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