10 Pieces Nail Magnet Tool Set, Mwoot Cat Eye Magnetic Stick

10 Pieces Nail Magnet Tool Set, Mwoot Cat Eye Magnetic Stick Magnet Plate, Dotting pens, Double Head Flower Design Nail Magnet Pen for 3D Magnetic Gel Polish Nail Art DIY: 10Pcs Differents Nail Magnet Tool Set: You can create many different effects and cool styles.Perfect for home use and profesional nail salon.

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10Pcs Differents Nail Magnet Tool Set: You can create many different effects and cool styles.Perfect for home use and profesional nail salon.

Package includes: 1 x flower cat eye magnetic pen, 3 x nail magnetic dotting pens, 1 x double-headed cat eye magnetic stick, 1 x single-headed cat eye magnetic stick, 3 x cat eye magnetic plate, 1 x cat-eye black magnetic plate.

Double-head magnetic pen: Flower pattern and 5 piece dotting design, can make special design for cat eye gel polish.

Fast And Efficient Tool: Easy and quick to get the cat eye effect. But this tool must be used with cat eye polish.

Multiple effect: The precision tip of the magnet allows you to easily attract the particles in the magnetic gel polish.

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B09M7X2P B09M7X2PK9
Marca Mwoot
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