Freenove Super Starter Kit for Raspberry Pico 1 2 (Not 175

Freenove Super Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi Pico 1 2 W (Not Included), 588-Page Detailed Tutorial, 175 Items, 94 Projects, Python C Java Code: Compatible Models: Raspberry Pi Pico / Pico H / Pico W / Pico WH / Pico 2 / Pico 2 W (NOT included in this kit)

32.95 €

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Compatible Models: Raspberry Pi Pico / Pico H / Pico W / Pico WH / Pico 2 / Pico 2 W (NOT included in this kit)

3 Sets of Codes: MicroPython, C and Processing (Java), Processing codes run on computers to provide graphical interfaces

588-page Detailed Tutorial in Total: Provides step-by-step guide with basic electronics knowledge (The download link can be found on the product box) (No paper tutorial)

94 Projects from Simple to Complex: Each project has schematics, wiring diagrams, complete code and detailed explanations

175 Items in Total: Includes commonly used electronic components, modules, sensors, wires and other compatible items

Detalles de Producto Detalles de Producto

without Raspberry Pi Pico B09TZXTF B09TZXTFJL
Marca Freenove
Fabricante Freenove
Grupo Producto Electronica
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