OSOYOO Stem Building Robot Car Kit for Arduino Toy Gift for

OSOYOO Stem Building Robot Car Kit for Arduino as Toy Gift for Kids Teenagers Up 8 Years with Over 400 Blocks to Learn Program Electronic Circuits IOT Mechanical: BUILDING BLOCKS KIT: 400+ parts includes bricks, gears, axis and 1 piece Controller board, expansion board, ultrasonic sensor, wifi module, servo motor, humidity and temperature, battery, 2pcs tracking sensor modules, Photoresistor, motors, and wheels

111.75 €

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BUILDING BLOCKS KIT: 400+ parts includes bricks, gears, axis and 1 piece Controller board, expansion board, ultrasonic sensor, wifi module, servo motor, humidity and temperature, battery, 2pcs tracking sensor modules, Photoresistor, motors, and wheels

STEM Learning: The building Robot Car Kit designed to provide kids through DIY different Robot car to interesting and challenging building experience, robotic movement and mechanical structure

Perfect Starter SET: The building Robot Car Kit helps to enhance kids’ imagination and creativity, hand-eye coordination, self-confidence and promotes the importance of teamwork & collaboration

Open Source Kit: This kit is based on OSOYOO basic board compatible with UNO. This is a an open source electronics archetype platform for electronics engineers, hobbyist, designers or anyone interested in creating interactive electronics projects

Programmable Projects: This building Robot car kit has provide graphical programming (for basic projects) and IDE (for IOT projects). It's really suitable for teenage or adults to learn basic program language

Detalles de Producto Detalles de Producto

400 B0B8D14Z B0B8D14ZMW
Marca Osoyoo
Fabricante Osoyoo
Grupo Producto Juguete

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