Felix The Cat Portrait Camiseta
Felix The Cat Portrait Camiseta: Felix The Cat is known worldwide for his mischievous spirit and signature grin. Just like Felix these designs are made with a little bit of magic and nostalgia, but with a modern touch. They make the perfect gift for any Felix fan.
20.5 €
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Felix The Cat is known worldwide for his mischievous spirit and signature grin. Just like Felix these designs are made with a little bit of magic and nostalgia, but with a modern touch. They make the perfect gift for any Felix fan.
These official Felix The Cat designs will make you feel like they were pulled straight out Felix’s magic bag. Available in T-Shirts, tanks, sweatshirts, hoodies, and zip hoodies.
Ligero, Encaje clasico, Manga de doble puntada y bastilla baja
Marca | Felix the cat |
Fabricante | Felix the cat |
Grupo Producto | Ropa |
Relacionado | Ropa |
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